The vision to start The Link Church in Irving was officially given to Pastor Lewis, in August of 2012, after he preached at a back to school give-a-way. Many un-churched families from all cultures and races attended the event to receive free school supplies. Pastor Lewis was caught off guard by the diverse crowd. Leaving his notes at his chair, he got up to preach with the feeling of being unprepared. Upon finishing his message he extended the opportunity to accept Christ and people from different cultures and races came to the stage and accepted Christ. The next morning, still in unbelief, God spoke to him and said “I have called you to be a link between me and those who don’t know me.” After hearing God, the vision for ‘The Link Church” was birthed.
Pastor Lewis shared the vision with his wife, Dana, and she was in total support, knowing that God had called them to start a church. In January 2014 we began holding weekly bible study while preparing for the official June launch of the church. The Link Church is a place where people of different ages, walks of life and circumstances can come and find a place where they belong. We are a family where newbies are accepted, socks are optional, grace is required, forgiveness is promoted, accountability is available, hope is alive and where it's okay not to be ok. The Link Church is sincerely “A Place Where You Belong.” Pastor Lewis & Dana are excited to see what God is going to do through The Link Church.


Prayer Team